mmorneau96Aug 293 min readSprainsLe blog discute des entorses, leurs traitements et l'importance de consulter un physiothérapeute pour une récupération optimale.
Caroline VenneAug 285 min readThe Importance of Physical Activity in Post-PartumL'activité physique post-partum aide à la récupération, améliore l'humeur et renforce le corps.
mmorneau96Apr 46 min readWhat is plantar fasciitis?Introduction: What is plantar fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis, also called plantar fasciitis, calcaneal enthesopathy or calcaneal spine...
Elyse Roberge, B. Sc. phtFeb 18, 20223 min readPediatric PhysiotherapyCet article vous présente comment la physiothérapie pédiatrique peut aider à assurer la croissance de votre enfant.
André Darveau-Maurais, M. Sc. phtJan 28, 20223 min readCauses and Tips for relieving Sciatic Nerve pain - PhysiotherapyThis article explains the causes of sciatic nerve pain and suggests exercises to relieve this pain.
Christian Lord, M. Sc. phtDec 3, 20214 min readVertigo and dizziness in physiotherapy!This article explains the difference between vertigo and dizziness, phenomena that can be treated with physiotherapy.
Marie-Hélène Bouillion, B. Sc. phtNov 2, 20211 min readPerineal and pelvic rehabilitationThis article presents a field of expertise in physiotherapy, namely perineal and pelvic rehabilitation.
Jonathan Bolduc, erg.Aug 30, 20214 min readTips for improving the ergonomics of your home or office workstationThis article shows you how an occupational therapist can help you with the positioning of your workspace, giving you some practical advice.
Marie-Josée Morneau, B. Sc. phtJun 30, 20211 min readLAUNCH OF THE NEW VIVA PHYSIO SANTÉ BANNER!Marie-Josée Morneau, physiotherapist and owner, announces the name change of her clinics in Boucherville and Longueuil.
Marie-Josée Morneau, B. Sc. phtJun 30, 20211 min readTIPS AND STRATEGIES FOR RUNNING WITHOUT INJURYThis capsule discusses some important factors to consider when starting or resuming running.
Marie-Josée Morneau, B. Sc. phtJun 29, 20211 min readEFFICIENT RUNNING TECHNIQUEMarie-Josée Morneau teaches the basics of a very effective and safe running technique that can transform your practice.
Marie-Josée Morneau, B. Sc. phtJun 29, 20211 min readA simple test for scoliosis in children and teenagers to do at homeThis video offers a quick and easy test that parents can perform to screen their teens for signs of scoliosis.
Isabelle Morneau, B. Sc. phtMar 31, 20211 min readPRACTICAL ADVICE IN PHYSIOTHERAPY TO COUNTER DISCOMFORT CAUSED BY WEARING A MASK.Marie-Josée Morneau and Isabelle Morneau talk about the discomfort that can be caused by prolonged wearing of the mask.